Software Developed

SN Name Brief Description
1 SPEC Takes ASCII values of a target response spectrum as input and outputs ASCII values of response compatible acceleration time history. Takes input of damping value of target response spectra, duration of time history, rise time of time history and decay time of time history from terminal. Graphic display of comparison of target spectra vs. achieved spectra after each iteration as well as achieved time history is also provided.
2. SPEC3 Generates spectrum compatible time history with fling using phase of a recorded time history.
3. RESP Takes equally sampled acceleration ASCII time history file as input file. Provides ASCII output of spectral acceleration for given periods and dampings (to be specified in another input file). Graphic display of input time history and output response spectra (for all the dampings in one figure) is also provided.
4. BINRESP Takes equally sampled ASCII acceleration time history file as input file. Provides ASCII output of spectral acceleration at bin frequency interval for damping to be provided through terminal. ). Graphic display of input time history and output response spectra is also provided.
5 LOPASS Takes equally sampled ASCII time history file as input. Takes cut off frequency for low pass filter as well as order of filter as input through terminal. Outputs ASCII file of low passed time history. Graphic display of input time history as well as low passed output time history is also provided.
6 HIPASS Takes equally sampled ASCII time history file as input. Takes cut off frequency for high pass filter as well as order of filter as input through terminal. Outputs ASCII file of high passed time history. Graphic display of input time history as well as high passed output time history is also provided.
7 BPASS Takes equally sampled ASCII time history file as input. Takes cut off frequencies for band pass filter as well as order of filter as input through terminal. Outputs ASCII file of band passed time history. Graphic display of input time history as well as band passed output time history is also provided.
8 FFT Takes one directional equally sampled ASCII time history file as input and outputs Fourier magnitude of time history in ASCII format. Graphic display of input time history and output FFT magnitude is also provided.
9 INSCOR Takes equally sampled ASCII acceleration time history file as input. Takes natural frequency and damping of sensor as input through terminal. Performs instrument correction of the input file and outputs the ASCII corrected acceleration time history file.  Graphic display of input time history as well as instrument corrected output time history is also provided.
10 WNOISE Generates synchronous noise (a white noise whose Fourier magnitude is exact one) of duration and sampling rate to be taken through terminal. Graphic display of generated time history is also provided
11 BASECOR Takes equally sampled ASCII time history file as input. Takes least square line of the history as baseline (x axis) and outputs ASCII file with new base line (rotational components not considered). Graphic display of input time history as well as baseline corrected output time history is also provided.
12 NONLIN Takes unequally sampled ASCII time history file as input. Outputs linearly interpolated equally sampled time history file at sampling rate to be given through terminal.
13 GENSIN Generates single frequency sinusoidal data of duration and sampling rate to be given through terminal. Graphic display of generated time history is also provided.
14 MULTISIN Generates multi-frequency sinusoidal data of frequencies and magnitudes (to be given through an input file) and duration as well as sampling rate to be given through terminal. Graphic display of generated time history is also provided.
15 FDIF Takes equally sampled ASCII time history file as input. Performs differentiation in frequency domain and outputs differentiated time history ASCII file. Graphic display of input time history and differentiated time history is also provided.
16 FINT Takes equally sampled ASCII time history file as input. Performs integration in frequency domain and outputs integrated time history ASCII file. Graphic display of input time history and integrated time history is also provided
17 PROC1 Takes digitized files of records of SMA 1 performed on digitizing table of DEQ and converts them on unequally spaced uncorrected accelerogram
18 ALINT Performs linear interpolation to increase sampling rate of an equally spaced ASCII time history file.
19 INPO1 Performs band limited interpolation of equally spaced ASCII time history file such that values of original samples do not change and new samples are determined in between original samples such that frequency contents of original sequence are maintained
20 INPO2 Performs band limited interpolation of equally spaced ASCII time history file. However, values of original samples are not kept and all the new samples are determined such that frequency contents of original sequence are maintained.
21. arjun** (series) About 15 software of this series process strong motion data downloaded from KNET (Japan).


Note: For each of the above software, a text file is also made which gives detailed instructions about working of the program.